Arizona Association for Infant Mental Health

Promoting Secure Relationships Prenatal Through Early Childhood. Optimal health and development for infants and young children happens through safe and nurturing relationships.


Join our community


Join our community of dedicated professionals committed to advancing infant mental health. As a member, you’ll gain access to exclusive resources, networking opportunities, and continuous professional development.


Participate in our specialized training


Participate in our specialized training sessions and events designed to enhance your knowledge and skills in infant mental health. Our programs offer valuable insights and practical tools for professionals at all levels.

IMH Endorsement®

Highlight your expertise & experience


Achieve professional recognition and credibility with Infant Mental Health Endorsement®. This credential signifies your expertise and commitment to the highest standards in infant mental health.

Reflective Supervision

The parallel process


A critical component of Endorsement® is RSC. The use of RSC by professionals to integrate knowledge, skills and emerging capacities into their practice can substantially benefit infants, toddlers, and their caregivers.


Explore a wealth of resources


Explore a wealth of resources tailored to support your work in infant mental health. Our comprehensive library includes research articles, best practices, position statements, and educational materials.

Our mission

Promoting the wellbeing of infants, young children and their families through advocacy, community relationships, education and workforce development

Our Upcoming Trainings & EventS

Endorsement Coordinator Office Hours: M-F 8:30-5:30 PM

Event 1

This is an example event. This is an example event. This is an example event. This is an example event. This is an example event. This is an example event.

Event 2

This is an example event. This is an example event. This is an example event. This is an example event. This is an example event. This is an example event.

Event 3

This is an example event. This is an example event. This is an example event. This is an example event. This is an example event. This is an example event.

What is infant and early childhood mental health?

Infant and early childhood mental health is the developing capacity of the infant/young child to form close and secure relationships; experience, manage and express a full range of emotions; and explore the environment and learn-all in the context of family, community and culture.


Refers to the presence of differences within a given setting, encompassing various backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences.


Involves ensuring fair treatment, opportunities, and outcomes for all individuals by addressing systemic barriers and disparities.


The practice of creating environments where all individuals feel welcomed, respected, and valued, enabling them to fully participate and contribute.


Connect with a network of professionals dedicated to the mental health and development of infants and young children. As a member, you will have access to exclusive resources, professional development opportunities, and the latest research in the field. Join us today and make a difference in the lives of Arizona’s youngest residents.

Achieve Professional Recognition

Elevate your career and demonstrate your expertise in infant mental health by earning your professional Endorsement® with AzAIMH. This prestigious credential signifies your commitment to excellence and positions you as a trusted leader in the field. Apply for Endorsement® today.