
Join AzAIMH and get to know colleagues as passionate as you are about Infant Mental Health!


Join the Arizona Association for Infant Mental Health and help shape professional education in Arizona, the annual Institute, and public awareness actions on this critical period of life. Network with others in Arizona, around the US, and the world who want to ensure every child has the optimal environment in which to grow and succeed. Work toward your own professional Infant Mental Health Endorsement® and help others to reach this professional development milestone.


  • Reduced rates at AzAIMH training events, including the Bi-annual Institute.
  • Networking with colleagues around infant and toddler programs and issues affecting the quality of life for infants and their families.
  • Advocate with others on behalf of infants, toddlers, and their families around programs, policies, and services locally and statewide.
  • Regular newsletters, training notices, and information about local, state, and national items of interest to our field.
  • Membership in AzAIMH qualifies for continued endorsement once endorsed

Maintain Your AzAIMH Membership!

Professional Annual Membership: $60
Student Annual Membership: $40

The AzAIMH Membership year ends on December 31 and begins on January 1. If you have joined the Association within three months of the end of the Membership year (October 1) your Membership will be continued into the following year. If you joined prior to October 1st, you will need to renew your membership as of January 1st.

Already A Member?